About Us

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The SUREHUB Institute operates as an organization for conducting professional studies, consulting, and training for companies facing future challenges - transitioning to sustainable business practices and strengthening competitiveness, resilience, and innovation in a rapidly changing business environment.

Why Choose Us?

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Because we place special emphasis on finding practical solutions for SMEs, stakeholder engagement, and change management. We also collaborate as a partner on consortium projects both domestically and internationally.

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We offer professional services tailored to your current and future needs.

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All our consultants have relevant professional competencies and international experience.

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We maintain excellent relationships with providers of specialized services and work together to find optimal practical solutions.

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We are trusted by numerous successful companies.


We prepare organizations for the future.


To successfully support organizations in realizing their vision with professional services and finding practical solutions.

Who We Are

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Janez Furlan image
Janez Furlan

is involved in engineering compliance and sustainability of technical products, as well as addressing modern challenges faced by manufacturing companies. He is our lead consultant in the preparation and execution of international projects in which we participate.

Barbara Wilkesmann Hočevar image
Barbara Wilkesmann Hočevar

with more than 30 years of business experience in marketing/sales and development, has focused on innovative approaches and prototype development using 3D technologies since 2006. Barbara aims to inspire individuals to believe in the power of their ideas and bring them to life.

Brigita Tomas image
Brigita Tomas

has over 15 years of experience in human resource development and business skills training. She focuses on future competencies, with special attention to implementing change within organizations.

Anton Frlic image
Anton Frlic

has more than 35 years of experience in optimizing business processes from the perspective of implementing standardization, digitalization, and automation based on actual cost calculations of company operations. He pays special attention to introducing financial controlling in companies. He also covers the area of preparing development projects with the support of non-refundable funds.

SUREHUB Institute
Delavska cesta 24
4208 Šenčur